Data-Driven and Intuition-Based Approaches in Decision-Making

Balancing data and human aspects in decision-making


Possible Institute


June 27, 2023

Data can reveal correlations, relationships, and potential consequences. However, understanding of the data require human reasoning, critical thinking, and context-specific knowledge.

A decision refers to being resolute and having a clear judgment or opinion on a matter. It involves making a firm decision or having a determined purpose. Although important, data can’t replace the human aspects of decision-making such as emotional intelligence, empathy, and moral judgment, as they cannot be fully captured by data.

It’s crucial to note that neither method has a built-in advantage over the other. The best choice depends entirely on the specific context and situation at hand.

Bright Glass Abstract by Cláudia Silva
flowchart TB
  C{Decision-making} --> D[Data-Driven Decisions]
  C --> E[Intuition-Based Decisions]
  D --> X[Sensitive with historical data]
  E --> Y[Sensitive with biases, and not repeatable]
  X --> Z[Data-informed decisions, if possible] 
  Y --> Z

  1. Data-Driven Decisions: This is often the preferred method in situations where a large amount of quantitative information is available and the decision-making environment is stable and predictable. It tends to be more objective and can help reduce biases in decision-making. Data-driven decision-making is often used in fields like finance, marketing, and logistics where there’s plenty of historical data to analyze and predict future trends. However, it’s crucial to ensure that the data is reliable, accurate, and relevant to the decision at hand.

    The data-driven decision making can be time-consuming, require specialized skills, and may not be applicable in novel situations with no past data to rely upon.

  2. Intuition-Based Decisions: This is typically used in situations where there’s a lack of data, the environment is highly uncertain or rapidly changing, or the decision involves complex qualitative factors that are difficult to quantify. It often leverages personal experience, instincts, and tacit knowledge. Entrepreneurs, for instance, often rely on their intuition to make strategic decisions about new products or markets.

    This approach can be prone to cognitive biases and may not always be repeatable or justifiable to others.

In practice, the most effective decision-making often involves a combination of both data-driven and intuition-based methods. This is often called “data-informed” decision-making. It means you use data as a key input, but you also consider other factors, like your own intuition, qualitative insights, and contextual factors that the data may not fully capture. This approach provides a more holistic view of the situation and allows for more nuanced and adaptable decisions.

Remember that data is a tool to inform decisions, not to make them. There’s a human aspect to decision-making that can’t be replaced by data. Emotional intelligence, empathy, and moral judgment are all aspects that data can’t fully encompass.

Let’s have an example /

Imagine we have a dataset about student performance. A data-driven decision might be to identify students who need additional support based on their grades.

We can use a basic Python illustration to showcase how data-driven and intuition-based decision-making can complement each other. Here’s how we might do it:

import pandas as pd

# Assuming you have a pandas DataFrame 'df' with students' names and their grades.
df = pd.DataFrame({
    'Name': ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie', 'David', 'Ella'],
    'Grade': [85, 70, 78, 64, 92]

# We could decide that any student with a grade below 75 needs additional support.
students_needing_support = df[df['Grade'] < 75]

    Name  Grade
1    Bob     70
3  David     64

In this case, we made a data-driven decision that Bob and David need additional support because their grades were below 75. But what if there’s more to the story? Let’s say, we know from talking to the teachers (intuition-based/qualitative input) that Alice, despite her high grade, has been struggling with personal issues and might benefit from additional support.

We could incorporate this intuition-based insight into our decision-making process like so:

# Add Alice to the list of students needing support.

alice_df = df[df['Name'] == 'Alice']

students_needing_support = pd.concat([students_needing_support, alice_df])

    Name  Grade
1    Bob     70
3  David     64
0  Alice     85

The Conclusion /

Our approach is to use data as a guide for making decisions while also taking into account qualitative insights and intuition. It’s important to remember that data should inform decisions, but not be the sole basis for making them.

Thank you for reading